Showing posts with label paint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paint. Show all posts

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Making Molds

If you get into making bows, and jewelry with buttons you are going to find your beloved button supply dwindling very fast(and new buttons are EXPENSIVE).  I have almost extinguished my vintage button collection.  The thought of this makes me very sad, since most of them came from my grandmothers.
So imagine how excited I was to find Amazing Mold Putty at Michaels!
At first I was skeptical, and it was $19.99.  I am ALL about saving money where I can.
First have the items you want to make molds of handy.
You can literally use ANYTHING(but if you use things like the two plastic ones below, make sure you keep your finger in there while forming so it does not collapse) that can be molded.

The next pictures shows the ratio parts before mixing.
Also, they are dead serious about mixing equal parts of it together.
If you don't do it equally, it will not ever turn rigid, and it will be slimy!
Next it's the blending part.  You have to do this FAST.  Blend em together super fast and then roll into a unified ball...trying to avoid having creases(that part I can't show you otherwise I would have wasted some putty).
Next you form over your mold.
When you do this you start rolling at the highest point and come down...
You have to make sure it is flesh against what you are molding, otherwise you will end of with air bubbles, and that's a disaster right there.
You wait 20 minutes til it's rigid and you are done!
The cool things about these is you can bake your sculpey clay in them and it will NOT ruin the molds!
As a matter of fact I have used most of my molds up and around 20 times now, and still have no issues.
Also, you can bake food in these!  It does state not to switch between food and clay because you don't want to contaminate the molds.  Can you say dinosaur shaped eggs anyone?  :D
Below I am posting some molds that I have made as well as finished projects I have completed.
The molds below saved some of my favorite buttons.
You do have to puncture the button holes after you finish baking your sculpey.
The shamrock in this picture was one that I made myself by hand, and then molded my finished shamrock so I never have to make that particular one by hand again.  :D
My Shamrock

The little shamrocks were taken off a charm bracelet I had back in the 80's.

You can see on the purple and yellow flowers buttons that there is a flaw(from not properly rolling the mold out).  I think it still looks fine, so I went ahead and painted them.

This one is from a button off my great grandmothers favorite blouse.

I really hope you enjoyed this.
I know it's not the best, but it's my first one and I will get better as I go along(or at least I hope so anyway).
Feel free to message me with any questions and or comments you have!